Employee stories

Employee Stories
Sebastian Smed
Sebastian Smed started his personal journey at Ovako as a summer temp in 2010 - but Sebastian is actually the fourth generation in an unbroken line of the Smed family to work at Ovako in Hällefors. Ever since that summer, he has continued progressing within the company and in addition to his role as a process operator at the rolling mill, Sebastian is also a safety and union representative for IF Metall

Employee Stories
Julia Hermansson
Julia Hermansson has been a controller at Ovako Hällefors since 2017. Her role as a controller includes preparing and following up business plans, budgets and financial statements to analyze and evaluate operational performance. When the opportunity arose for a job that turned out to be a good fit with where she was in her life and education, she jumped at the chance to apply - a decision she has never regretted!

Employee Stories
Keeping customers on course with new sales unit for Nordics and Baltics
We have merged our sales units covering Scandinavia, Finland and the Baltics to create a new unit serving customers in our home market of the Nordic and Baltic countries. The new team includes around 15 people in direct sales, as well as a further 40 at Ovako Metals in Tampere, Finland, which provides stock services for our own steel products, as well as stainless steel, copper and brass.

Steel Portfolio
How the M-Steel process enhances machinability
Machinability of steel can have a big impact on the bottom line. By optimizing machine operations, a manufacturer can extend tool life, increase output and minimize waste.

Steel Portfolio
Hybrid Steel benefits at a glance
In the high-stress and elevated temperature applications found in mechanical power transmission systems and engines, the choice of material for critical components makes a huge difference to performance, reliability and lifetime.

Steel Portfolio
Hybrid Steel 50 forges ahead for near net shape forming
Hybrid Steel 50, the latest addition to Ovako’s ground-breaking family, offers exciting possibilities for component manufacturers to dispense with the need for quenched and tempered steel. Instead, they could forge their component to near net shape, machine it in a soft condition and then achieve the final hardness required with a simple aging treatment.

Digital audit process helping to keep steel production on track
We have overcome travel restrictions during the pandemic by working digitally to achieve the annual quality management certifications for our mills. Maintaining certifications is essential for us to continue supplying our customers. Therefore, we have turned to web conferencing and video calls in place of the usual in-person approach.

Material Data Sheets – find the best steel grade for your application online
Our Material Data Sheets (MDS) module is an important extension to Ovako’s digital Steel Navigator. With just a few clicks of a mouse it enables you to search a database of hundreds of steel grades to compare options and select the best steel for your specific application.

Ovako’s Piston Rod Predictor can ensure your design never buckles under pressure
We have developed a unique online tool, called the Piston Rod Predictor, to compare the resistance of different steel grades to buckling in piston rod applications. The emphasis is on buckling because it is the key design consideration for hydraulic cylinders, especially in single-action, push-only applications.

Steel Portfolio
When the going gets hot – Hybrid Steel® gets going
Ovako has developed Hybrid Steel to merge the unique properties of tool steel, maraging steel and stainless steel into one high-performance steel grade that also offers the production economy of conventional engineering steels.

Steel Portfolio
R&D is the strength behind Hybrid Steel® – meet Steve Ooi, a key member of Ovako’s research team
Steve Ooi is an Ovako Group R&D technical specialist based in England, at the University of Cambridge’s prestigious Maxwell Centre. We asked him to tell us about his background and to answer some questions about the particular benefits of Hybrid Steel.

Steel Portfolio
Hybrid Steel® – a step-change in steel metallurgy
Jan-Erik Andersson, Senior Group Technical Specialist, Ovako R&D answers our questions about the new Hybrid Steel family.

Employee Stories
Safety as the number one priority
Ovako’s Safety week forms part of our systematic safety work, and this year it concludes on the World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Employee Stories
Focusing on gender equality
Our co-workers are Ovako’s most important asset. For us, it is primarily about finding the right skills for the right role at the right time.

Employee Stories
Meet Anneli Anhelm
Anneli Anhelm, head of technical customer service and product development, tried out a number of opportunities before she knew what she wanted to work with.