Ovako strives for a sustainable value chain and a business that generates value at all stages, from product development to end products. A sustainable value chain is about ensuring that all aspects of sustainability are integrated within the entire chain, from materials and design all the way to production. These aspects includes everything from quality, productivity, economy to employees, safety and the environment.

A materiality analysis has been conducted to identify the areas with the greatest importance for Ovako and the company's stakeholders. The key sustainability areas that were identified cover Ovako's entire business and product offering.

Ovako Sustainability Reports and Targets


Through ongoing improvements to its production processes, Ovako is steadily reducing its environmental impact. Examples of improvement efforts includes efficient energy and water usage and reduction of carbon dioxide, which ensures that the company meets requirements by legislation or by customers.

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Ovako strives to create attractive workplaces for its employees and to contribute to a society that is sustainable in the long-term. Efforts include professional development of employees and community activities such as support of local sports clubs, buying service and maintenance from local suppliers and other initiatives that contributes to maintaining a vibrant community.

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Business Ethics

Ovako does business in an ethical and honest way and has zero tolerance for all forms of corruption, bribery, anti-competitive actions and comparable conduct. Suppliers and partners are also required to prevent all forms of corruption and to comply with the policies Ovako has drafted in this area.

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Governance and Monitoring

Ovako works in accordance with the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration, the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as combating corruption and environmentally destructive activities.

Laws and requirements related to sustainability are a minimum level for Ovako and systematic efforts are ongoing to identify new and amended laws and take action where necessary.

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Sustainable Development Goals

Ovako supports the UN’s global Sustainable Development Goals and has identify the areas in which Ovako can contribute to their achievement. Below is a selection of the company’s activities that in various ways contribute to meeting the goals.

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Ovako Sustainability Report 2021
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