Safety as the Number One Priority

Employee safety is a main priority at Ovako and our long-term target is a workplace with zero accidents and occupational illness. Through dedicated and systematic safety work we have seen great improvements in our safety records. We are proud that our number of lost time injuries (LTI) has decreased by 93 % since 2015, and our LTIFR (Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate) is 0.8 - among the lowest in Europe.

We have a group-wide Safety at Work program, aiming to further integrate safety practices into our daily operations. To take the next step in our safety work, we launched an Ovako Safety Standard as guidance for all managers and employees. The standard is based on Ovako’s policies and objectives regarding health and safety, as well as applicable laws and regulations. One important aspect is to improve and strengthen our safety culture to make sure that safety is always considered in everything we do.

Inclusion and diversity

Ovako’s ambition is to have the right competence at the right place with people who reflect the societies where we are located. Everyone shall have equal opportunities and we have zero tolerance for any form of discrimination or harassment.

There are several ongoing initiatives to encourage more women to work at Ovako. Our goal is for at least 25 % of managerial positions to be held by women, and for the entire organization to be at least 23 % female. We require external recruitment firms to always present women candidates for potential employment and we focus on featuring female employees in our communications. In addition to gender equality, we are working actively to achieve greater inclusion and diversity in all areas.

Supporting Local Community

Ovako is often the largest employer in locations where the company operates and is thus an important player in the local community, which means it is important for the company to get involved in developing these communities. Ovako gets involved in several ways and works closely with various stakeholders where the company operates. The company cooperates with education institutions and buys a large portion of its required services, including maintenance and the like, from local suppliers and contractors. Ovako is also involved with local business networks, supports local sports clubs and similar organizations in various ways, and works closely with local municipalities in several areas.

Human Rights

Ovako is committed to respect human rights in all aspects, and the company imposes rigorous demands on collaborative partners to do the same. Ovako’s positions on human rights and the standards imposed on suppliers are set forth in the Code of Conduct for suppliers. These standards include equal treatment, prevention of discrimination and harassment, offering market-based salaries and good working conditions. Ovako condemns all forms of forced and child labor and requires its partners to ensure that it does not occur.


Ovako Sustainability Report 2021
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